The Ancestors' Stories are the stories of the descendants of Stephen and Sarah Sherwood c. 1720-1774, our earliest known ancestors. They begin with Stephen and Sarah and follow my direct line of descent, ending with my parents Sydney and Dulcie Sherwood. Most importantly they include their wives' stories too.
(c. 1720-1774) (c. 1720-1774)
When and where Stephen & Sarah were born is yet to be discovered. They first appeared in Weston, Hertfordshire in 1744 when their daughter Sarah was baptised. There is some confusion with the spelling of their name. In the Weston church registers they are recorded as Stephen & Sarah Sherrug. This I believe was a mistake in spelling their name, made by the vicar Jos. Reed. Stephen & Sarah lived in Weston up until their death there in 1774. They were buried 8 days apart.
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(1756-1796?) (1760-1850)
Stephen was the son of Stephen Sherwood Sr. He was born in Weston, Herts. Around the age of 20, he left Weston for nearby Clothall where he married Elizabeth Ward in 1780. Stephen served in the militia, was convicted of assault and sentenced to jail. He died sometime between 1792 and 1794. The cause of death and where he died is still to be determined. Elizabeth was most likely born in Clothall, Herts. Elizabeth worked for over thirty years gathering stones used to repair the parish roads. In 1799 she married John Dixon.
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(1782-1843) (c.1792-1873)
William was the second of Stephen and Elizabeth's five children. He had four sisters all born in Clothall, Herts. William moved to Fowlmere, Cambridgeshire where he worked as a farm manager. He married Elizabeth Smith who was born in the village. The couple had three surviving children Charles, Jane and William Jr. William Sr. died in Fowlmere in 1843 and Elizabeth in Wistow, South Australia in 1873.
William was the second of Stephen and Elizabeth's five children. He had four sisters all born in Clothall, Herts. William moved to Fowlmere, Cambridgeshire where he worked as a farm manager. He married Elizabeth Smith who was born in the village. The couple had three surviving children Charles, Jane and William Jr. William Sr. died in Fowlmere in 1843 and Elizabeth in Wistow, South Australia in 1873.
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Click or Tap HERE to read about Elizabeth's Smith Family
(1812-1880) (1813-1881)
Charles Sherwood was William and Elizabeth Sherwood's second child. He was born in 1812 in Fowlmere, Cambridgeshire. Mary was the oldest of James and Harriet Perry's five children. She was also born in Fowlmere. In January 1856 thirteen Sherwood family members emigrated to Australia. They were Charles and Mary and their 10 children and Charles' mother Elizabeth. Sailing on the ship Amazon they arrived in Port Adelaide on 8 April 1856.
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(1841-1903) (1860-1927)
Arthur was Charles and Mary's fifth child. He was born in Fowlmere, Cambridgeshire. He came to South Australia with his parents Charles and Mary in 1856. Arthur worked as a stockman and shearer in South Australia and Victoria before establishing a wheat farm at Woorak West. He married Minnie Fry in 1882. Minnie's parents were Isaac & Eliza Fry. She was born in Kew, Melbourne in 1860. She died in 1927 at Woorak West. Arthur died in 1903 after a long illness.
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(1885-1978) (1883-1943)
Arthur was Arthur and Minnie Sherwood's second child. He was born in 1885 and grew up on the family farm at Woorak West, near Nhill, Victoria. In 1909 he married Jane Luddon Henderson in Brunswick, Melbourne. Jane's parents were Thomas & Agnes Henderson, farmers at Balrooten, near Nhill, Victoria. After they married Jane and Arthur returned to the Henderson farm which they leased for 3 years. Arthur, Jane and their two young sons Sydney & Claude travelled by wagon to Rivereena, NSW in 1912. The family were wheat and dairy farmers. Jane died at Culcairn, NSW in 1943, and Arthur in Melbourne in 1978.
Arthur was Arthur and Minnie Sherwood's second child. He was born in 1885 and grew up on the family farm at Woorak West, near Nhill, Victoria. In 1909 he married Jane Luddon Henderson in Brunswick, Melbourne. Jane's parents were Thomas & Agnes Henderson, farmers at Balrooten, near Nhill, Victoria. After they married Jane and Arthur returned to the Henderson farm which they leased for 3 years. Arthur, Jane and their two young sons Sydney & Claude travelled by wagon to Rivereena, NSW in 1912. The family were wheat and dairy farmers. Jane died at Culcairn, NSW in 1943, and Arthur in Melbourne in 1978.
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(1909-1966) (1916-19)
My father Sydney Sherwood was Arthur and Jane's first child. He spent the first 3 years of his life on the Henderson family farm at Balrooten, Victoria. His parents Arthur and Jane managed the farm after they married in 1909. The family with their second son Claude moved to NSW in 1912. They lived with Sydney's grandmother Minnie Sherwood on her farm 'Bonnie Doon' for months. After leaving school, Sydney worked with his father on the family farm. In 1935 he married Dulcie (Peggy) Knobel. Peggy's parents Jacob & Marie Knobel lived at Pleasant Hills where their family of four, three girls and a son Jack lived. Sydney and Peggy moved to Melbourne in the 1940s eventually buying their first home at 9 Gould Street North Coburg.
My father Sydney Sherwood was Arthur and Jane's first child. He spent the first 3 years of his life on the Henderson family farm at Balrooten, Victoria. His parents Arthur and Jane managed the farm after they married in 1909. The family with their second son Claude moved to NSW in 1912. They lived with Sydney's grandmother Minnie Sherwood on her farm 'Bonnie Doon' for months. After leaving school, Sydney worked with his father on the family farm. In 1935 he married Dulcie (Peggy) Knobel. Peggy's parents Jacob & Marie Knobel lived at Pleasant Hills where their family of four, three girls and a son Jack lived. Sydney and Peggy moved to Melbourne in the 1940s eventually buying their first home at 9 Gould Street North Coburg.
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